Lexogen Quantseq 3’mRNA文库制备试剂盒
★基因表达分析和eQTL研究的理想选择 ★精准的3UTR标签 ★从总RNA提取到文库生成仅需要4.5h ★节约成本,每一个lane可以进行96个样本的测序 ★链特异性>99.96%
SeqCap EZ Human Exome Library v3.0
Achieve the most comprehensive coverage of coding regions: Coverage of genes from RefSeq RefGene CDS, CCDS, and miRBase v14 databases, plus coverage of 97% Vega, 97% Gencode, and 99% Ensembl databases
SeqCap EZ Exome +UTR Library
Select the most comprehensive exome and UTR enrichment solution (see Table below). Minimize sequencing costs with the superior capture efficiency of our 2.1M overlapping probes. Discover more variants