产品名称: 常规小鼠源多克隆抗体定制服务
英文名称: Mouse Polyclonal Antibody Service
产品价格: 欢迎来电详询15298397025
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★ 服务组合(5只起做 at least 5 mice)
1) 由于受试动物较为脆弱,制备工艺复杂,为防止实验意外,本公司小鼠多抗制备最少起做数量5只,每种抗原最少免疫数量3只;
2) 由于所有受试小鼠均为SPF级,严禁传染性抗原,抗原如有特殊问题必须提前申明,免疫期间单独饲育,如因客户蓄意隐瞒抗原性质问题,造成我司重大经济损失,我司保留法律追究权利,因此请各位客户务必配合我们的工作,如实告诉我们抗原性质;
3) 所有的小鼠多抗制备项目,如果由亲和纯化改为抗原特异性亲和纯化,价格增加1,000元
4) 以上价格均为目录报价,实际价格以项目实际为准
★ 经典案例(小鼠源多克隆抗体定制服务(MousePolyclonal Antibody Service))
Phloroglucinol suppresses mesenchymal traits ofbasal type breast cancer cells. (a, b) Western blot (a) and immunocytochemicalanalysis (b) for EMT markers in basal type breast cancer cells after treatmentwith vehicle or phloroglucinol (10, 30 or 50 lM). (c) Western blot analysis forEMT master regulators after treatment with vehicle or phloroglucinol (10, 30 or50 lM). (d) Western blot analysis for EMT markers in basal type breast cancercells after treatment with siRNA targeting SLUG. (e) Migration and invasionassay after treatment with siRNA targeting SLUG in basal type breast cancercells. b-actin was used as a loading control.